
Stay Motivated

Having a desire to improve yourself only goes so far. That desire must be constantly fueled with motivation and determination. So how do you stay motivated? Here are some tips that can help you keep that desire of accomplishing your goals not seem so far fetched from the everyday tasks.

1) Focus on your WHY - the reason you wanted to accomplish the goal in the first place. The end result of what you want to accomplish should always be in sight. It is okay that sometimes you have to remind yourself of it from time to time. Play with equations in your mind - If I__________ (do said task) I know in time I will see results.

2) Have a plan. Have a set plan that is broken down into daily things you can do to ultimate accomplish your goal. If your goal seems to far fetched, it is most likely because you haven't taken the time to break down your large goal into small manageable steps. These are things that you can do on a daily basis to help you accomplish your ultimate goal. For beginners this might be to simply drink more water than soda. For the more advanced, it could be making sure you finish the scheduled amount of time you have for cardio that day.

3) Think about the end result. Whenever I am training for a show, I imagine the stage. I imagine how my shape will be, how I want my presence to shine, how it would feel like to make first call outs.

4) Keep a support group. It is crucial to surround yourself with positive individuals that understand what you are trying to accomplish. They can keep you motivated when you feel weak.

5) Reward yourself! Keep a positive reward system to choose from when you accomplish mini goals. Some of mine are: a large veggie loaded salad from Whole Foods, new workout clothes, new supplements, mani/pedi, fresh flowers, a new tea. Do not set yourself up for failure with your reward system. Your reward should bring you closer to accomplishing your goals, not create set backs. For example - if you dieted hard all week you chose to celebrate by binging on cupcakes and a large pizza, you basically consumed all the calories you were creating a deficit with during the week in one setting, totally negating all your hard earned diet efforts. More calories are OK, but keep them clean and healthy.

6) Make an inspiration board. I have both an inspiration bulletin board and also a pinterest board. I fill them with quotes and pictures that inspire me so I am constantly reminded to continue working towards my goals.

7) Stay positive. Do not speak of yourself in a negative manner but speak about your accomplishments and your strengths. So what if the scale didn't move that week. Be proud of all the efforts you made to improve yourself.

Have patience and you will begin to see results of all your efforts. You might need to even make adjustments to your goals and plans as you become stronger.

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