
Day 2 - Get Started

We all start somewhere.

Before the beginning of any health and fitness challenge, it is important to obtain your baseline so you can monitor your progress.

Start by obtaining your initial weight and measurements. Be sure to include the following in your measurements: chest, arms, waist, hips and thighs. I also highly suggest that you take progress photos. In my experience, the progress photos showed the most measureable progress. The scale is the worst indicator of accurate progress in my opinion. It is for that reason that I advocate only weighing three times during the next 90 days: beginning, middle and end. If for some reason you feel your body is not progressing as it should, you could step on and spot check to see if you are on track.

Now that you have established your baseline, it is time to create your plan.

Please keep in mind that not one approach will work for everyone. Some people are fat adapted or carb sensitive etc. I will be discussing one of many options so if you do not feel that this approach is working, simply begin to research other options and experiment with other theories.

Step One: What is my BMR (basal metabolic rate) or the amount of calories your body burns at rest.
Go HERE to calculate your BMR.
This will calculate your maintenance level BMR.

Step Two: Use the Harris Benedict Formula to account for any calories burned during activity.
Go HERE to calculate your caloric needs based on activity.

Step Three: Calculate your caloric deficit. It takes approximately 3,500 calories to equal a pound of body weight. If you aim to loose 1 pound a week, then you will need to create a 3,500 calorie deficit a week through diet and exercise. You can divide your calories up according to your activity level (as I do) or you could keep it simple and eat the same calories daily.

Now you know how many calories you need on a daily basis for maintenance and also for weight loss.

This process might seem tedious, but it will definitely help you reach your goal. You will not always have to count calories, but learning and understanding what a proper amount would look like and being aware of fueling your body appropriately will lead to sustained success in the future.

Tomorrow we will take a closer look at the component of those calories, the macronutrients.

- FitWhitt

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