
Work It Out - Backwards Hack Squat

I love preforming squats on this machine because I can get nice and low with a decent amount of weight and not have to worry about loosing proper form. This move is focuses on glute, ham and quad development. Go low and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.



Parallel Squat on Leg Thrust Machine

1. You can either use a true leg thrust machine, or if your gym does not have one, you can do the exercise by facing into the back pad of a hack squat machine. It is a good idea to warm your knees up with a few minutes of stationary cycling and stretching before beginning the exercise.
2. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart on the angled platform. If you want more emphasis on the vastus medialis— the medially located muscle of the quadriceps— you can move your feet closer together. Position your shoulders/clavicles into the shoulder pads. Grip the handles by the shoulder pads for additional upper body support.
3. Keep your head up and tighten your back. Extend (straighten) your knees to lift the weight stack and to move the safety bar out of the way. Make sure you have full control of the weight.
4. Control the weight as you lower your buttocks towards the floor by allowing your knees to flex. Continue squatting downward until the tops of your thighs are parallel to the platform (not the floor) or when your knee angle has reached 90 degrees.
5. After you have reached the parallel position at the bottom, stand up in a smooth and explosive manner. Stop just short of fully locking the knees out straight. This will maintain the tension on the thigh and hip muscles. Keep your back tight and your head up both on the way up and on the way down in subsequent repetitions.

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Get It!
- FitWhitt

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