
Day 8 - Weekly Nutrition Plan & Training Plan

I am feeling positive and ready to attack this week. The burners are on and the crock pot is working. Meal prep is officially under way. I am easing back into finding my groove. I should be able to stay consistent in my schedule this week, so I am greatly looking forward to a successful week.

Training Plan

Sunday -Rest Day

Monday -Marathon Training -  Run 3 miles

Tuesday - Glute: Heavy & Step Mill x 20min

Wednesday - Marathon Training -  Run 6 miles
                      Train - Back/Biceps/Abs

Thursday - Marathon Training - Run 3 miles
                   Train - Shoulders/Chest/Triceps

Friday - Glute: Light &  Plyo/Functional

Saturday - Marathon Training - Run 12 miles

Glute: Heavy
Smith Squat
Sumo Squat

Leg Pressdown
Cable Kickback

Smith Reverse Lunges (with leg lift)
Hack Squat

Hip Thruster
Butt Blaster

Romanian Deadlift
Donkey Kick - Smith


Drop Sets 3 x 15,12,10
Pull Up

Lat Pulldown
CG Cable Row
CG Pulldown
One Arm Dumbbell Row
Hyperextensions - weighted

Barbell Curls
Preacher Curl
Rope Hammer Curl

Hanging Leg Raise
Reverse Crunch
Leg Drops

Drop Sets 3 x 15,12,10
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Alternating Front Dumbbell Raise
Reverse Pec Deck
Rope High Pull - Rear Delt

Flat Dumbbell Press
Incline Dumbbell Flye
Machine Flye

Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Ext
Skull Crushers
Dips - weighted

Glute: Light
Bulgarian Split Squat
Single Leg Squat
Switch Lunge Jumps

Step Ups - Weighted
Curtsy Lunges
Speed Skaters

Reverse Hyperextension
Cable Kickback
Jump Squats

Nutrition Plan
I had a difficult time managing the varying amount of calories from day to day due to changes in work schedule and needing to be flexible. I decided to make everyday have the same calorie goal, which in my case is 1,800. Still on a 40/30/30 split with macros.

Meal One -
Vegetable Egg Bake with Ezekiel Cinnamon Toast

Meal Two -
Chocolate Peppermint Protein Pancakes
I used the Amazing Grass seasonal flavor, Chocolate Peppermint and added mint extract

Meal Three -
Chicken Tortilla Bake

Meal Four -
Turkey Burger, Brussels Sprouts and Sweet Potato Chips

Meal 5 -
Quest Bar & Nut Butter

Meal 6 -
Recovery Protein Shake

Stay tuned for helpful nutrition and fitness topics through out the week. Feel free to email me at fitwhitt@gmail.com with any questions.

- FitWhitt